Tuesday, September 18, 2018

August 2018

The summer was waning and the first day of school was staring us down. The kids asked if we could go to the Children's Museum and how could I refuse?

Bella on "her" horse. She's ridden this thing a hundred times!

Bella lifting some serious weights at the superhero exhibit!

All my working out has paid off!

Ryan gets ready to test his speed against The Flash.

Ryan tries his best not to set off the "lasers" protecting the jewels on display!

Bella gives it a try as well.

You know, just another day here at the Hasseld home!
 Bella was...somewhere, so Ryan and I had a day to ourselves. He chose glow golf, so here we are!

 And then he requested Mr. Muffins, which has really grown! He dreams of having a set this big one day...

 And then the first day of school hit! I wish I could say that Ryan stayed in this adorable outfit, but by the time the bus came, he was in a t-shirt and basketball shorts, his official 4th grade boy uniform!

 Bella wanted to get snazzy with hair dye (temporary) so I indulged. She wore it the first day, and has never asked for it again.

Since Bella gets off the bus an hour before Ryan does, we sometimes sneak in Mommy-Bella time. Shhh! Don't tell Ryan!

The first week of school is hard! He fell asleep waiting for me to finish brushing my teeth. I'm amazed that he can fall asleep with his arms over his head like this.

Made it to the weekend! Screen time and jammies!

Ryan LOVES that we get to hang out on the front porch waiting for the bus together. Endless thanks to Mom for fixing our glider! I was ready to pitch it, but it's become a staple of the morning routine.
 One of the perks of staying home is that I get to have lunch with the kids! I ate with Bella at 11:05 (!!!), then had some time to swap laundry in the machines and stop at Papa John's to pick up Ryan's pizza and meet him at 12:45 (!!).

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