Wednesday, January 6, 2016

December 2015

I had some extra days off from my job with Phil, so I had lunch with each of the kids. Kids whose parents bring them lunch get to pick two special friends to eat with. Ryan chose Niko and Meredith. I don't know why I didn't get a picture of Bella with her friends Isabella and Jaysi.

The first Friday in December, we have "Westfield in Lights." We didn't make it last year. This year Joshua wasn't feeling well and Ryan didn't want to go, so Bella and I set off. We didn't have nearly enough layers on, but we enjoyed the evening.
Bella listens to the Nativity Story put on by one of the local churches.

Real reindeer!

Bella got chosen for part of the program.
The Nativity Story was the ONE Christmas movie Bella requested to watch. So we hunkered down one chilly afternoon and I got the pleasure of telling them more about it. Well, mostly Bella as I believe Ryan had either a NASCAR race or football game he was recreating. This is a terrible shot of the TV, but it's the scene where everyone comes to worship Jesus.
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I love the papers the kids bring home - especially Ryan with his loopy writing and stick figures. I loved the illustrations for "ick" words - the guy picking his ear and the person being sick with little stick person vomit coming out in a rainbow.
Bella and I had a "girls night" one evening and she chose a Starbucks date. This is how she wore her hair. She thought it looked amazing. I will torture her with picture when she is older.
We did something we've never done - we went to Conner Prairie in fall/winter. This particular December day it was in the 50's, but we enjoyed seeing the Prairie getting ready to celebrate Christmas - or Hanukkah in this case.
We learned how to play the dreidel game. I had to drag the kids away. Amazing how easily amused they are here.

Ryan and I worked on a gingerbread man drawing while Bella did her own art piece.

And the yearly tradition of gingerbread houses. We've moved on to the "pre-fab" houses to save time. Mine was even already put together!
Ryan was trying so hard to be patient!

Bella plotted her creations carefully.

There was much discussion about who got what candies.

The finished products!

Joshua's house.

Ryan's village. He just doesn't have the patience for decorating!

Bella's village - she has LOTS of patience!

My humble abode.

Bella signed up to ring the bell for American Heritage Girls service hours. We lucked out with a warm day. She and Ryan raised $167 on their 2-hour shift!
No Christmas is complete without sugar cookies! We handed them out to the neighbors with invitations to our Christmas Eve service.

You have to eat the sprinkles!

Bella is so strategic!
And our yearly trek to The Children's Museum for their "holiday" events.
A giant tie fighter made of balloons in honor of the new Star Wars movie.

A Darth Vader car.
They are closing the "Science Works" area to revamp it. I know the kids will LOVE the new exhibit, but they were sad to see some of their favorites for the last time.
Ryan has spent HOURS over the years playing with this thing or just watching it in motion.

Bella's sad face at her last time on the rock wall.

You can't see her, but she's up there at the top between the red ball and the flag!

Picture by the fire place.
This was 2012!
And we saw the new Star Wars movie on the first day of Christmas break!

No Christmas is complete without a drive through Reynolds' farm equipment light show! FREE! Joshua took me to see this the first year we were dating - 2003!!

And Christmas!
The haul (minus the gifts they got early from Maga and  Papa and later from Uncle Jeff and Aunt Donna).

Joshua and Ryan playing some football.
I got an iPad. Bella and I discovered a photo booth app and she had WAY too much fun with it. These are some creepy pictures!!

Yearly "picture by the tree in Christmas jammies" shot.
Christmas Day brought a special treat - Uncle Jeff and Aunt Donna! They spent the weekend with us and we loved every minute of it.
Uncle Jeff trash talked about Twister. "You're going down, Juice Box!"

He helped the kids with their build-and-paint race cars.

We went fishing on a crazy cold day in the rain!

We went bowling!
Ryan ready to take his shot.

Smiley Bella.

Final scores for Round 1.

Game Faces. I just don't think Ryan can pull his off!

Final scores for Round 2.

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